
Georgia midterms: Warnock, Walker supporters share what matters to them | USA TODAY

Georgians share what matters to them most as votes are cast in the contested Raphael Warnock vs. Herschel Walker Senate race.
RELATED: Final day of voting in midterm elections underway across the country

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You Can Lead An Employee To Water But You Can’t Make Them Think

Leadership isn’t about telling your people what’s what. It’s not about imposing change from on high. There’s only one way to change the way they think.

Hangings in Pakistan

Pakistan and execution of death sentence Pakistan had announced a moratorium on all hangings in 2008, when Asif Zardari was president. Pakistan thus became a singular Islamic country that stopped executions. In fact if my figures are correct over a period of 6 years from 2008 to 2014 only one prisoner was executed.

How to Earn Money Online Without Working For It

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Reading Therapy (Bibliotherapy) for Anxiety

There is a simple, effective therapy for anxiety and it’s available to everyone. This therapy has been used for ages but is the best kept secret to rapid recovery. It is called reading therapy or bibliotherapy. For years many professionals have prescribed reading therapy with rapid results. All that is required is a good novel that grabs your attention. This allows the mind and body to settle down and like meditation, it relieves anxiety and creates a less reactive mind and body.

Business Problems? Use A Mind Map To Solve Them

Many people use different methods for problem solving. One of the most favored and effective methods is using a mind map.