
Glaciers melting faster than scientists expected due to climate change | USA TODAY

The world’s glaciers are melting faster than scientists expected as global temperatures increase.

RELATED: Southern states struck by tornadoes, severe storms | USA TODAY

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Is Air Pollution a Penis Health Problem?

Air pollution is a major worldwide health concern, but evidence from recent studies increasingly suggests that it is also specifically a growing penis health concern. Environmental issues are a major concern for everyone on the planet, as our lives depend on maintaining a livable environment.

Penile Nerve Damage Recovery: Finding a Way Back to Penis Sensitivity

A lot of men don’t worry about penile nerve damage until they are older, when it affects sexual function. However, prevention should start when a man is young. If it’s already a problem, let’s talk about all the options for penile nerve damage recovery.

Can Neurofibromas Cause Penis Bumps?

When a man feels his penis and discovers penis bumps that had not been there previously, he should make note of them. In some cases, they could be neurofibromas.

Go On

Once, in 1996, at an Los Angeles City Public Library called “The Washington Irving Branch” I read an old Orisen Swett Marden book called “Pushing To The Front” that I sweated through, but it revealed a lot to me about myself, and the central message of the book read me when I was at my lowest. That message was “go on”! Without that message hitting my core, I would be dead. But from that archaic book, I felt my calling, my intuition was awakened.

Erectile Dysfunction and Marijuana: What Every Man Needs to Know

With so many states legalizing marijuana, a man needs to know if it can cause penis problems like erectile dysfunction. Read on to find out what science says.