How many cases of coronavirus are there in Toronto? – Toronto Star
By Joanna LavoieReporter
Toronto Newsroom
Fri., Dec. 10, 2021timer1 min. read
COVID-19 continues to be prevalent in Toronto and the rest of Ontario.
Here are Toronto’s latest COVID-19 case numbers, based on data released by Toronto Public Health.
In Toronto, as of Dec. 10: 301 new cases and one new death, for a total of 184,962 cases and 3,719 deaths, with 1,659 active cases and 26 people currently hospitalized in the city. Toronto Public Health releases its numbers on weekdays by 4 p.m.
The Ontario Ministry of Health’s latest numbers, from Dec. 9 (announced Dec. 10), note 1,453 new cases, 11 new deaths and 910 newly resolved cases, for a total of 629,064 confirmed cases, 10,065 deaths and 609,806 resolved cases in the province.
Of the 1.,453 new cases, the province noted 613 are unvaccinated, 26 partially vaccinated and 718 fully vaccinated, with vaccination status unknown for 96 cases. The province releases its numbers each day at 10:30 a.m.
In Canada, as of Dec. 9, there has been a total of 1,823,009 cases, 29,876 deaths and 1,761,838 resolved cases. Currently, there are 31,295 active cases in the country. The Government of Canada updates its numbers weekdays at 7 p.m. The first reported case of COVID-19 in Canada was in Toronto on Jan. 25, 2020. is updating this article with new numbers as they are announced. Public health agencies do not provide updates on holidays.
To learn more about the virus, visit
Find out how many cases of COVID-19 there are in other GTA cities:
• Hamilton
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